~ Is a Hand full!
~ Runs SUPER fast!
~ LOVES Broccoli, Pea's, Carrot's, Beets, Corn, Did I mention Broccoli cause she seriously would eat the entire bag If I gave it to her!
~ Still not a big fan of fruit.
~ Up until this week goes right to bed and sleep's through the night. ( I think were getting our last teeth In )
~ Still hates brushing her teeth.
~ Can count to 10 ( except she skips 7 every time ) off and on.
~ LOVES to sing, even If she can't say the words she'll sing the tune, it's so funny!
~ Is scared of EVERYTHING! Drives me crazy.
~ Only thing she's not afraid of Is Bounce houses and Slides.
~ We broke down and turned her forward facing. It's funny to see her reaction to The cow's, Flower's, and trucks she's See's on the side of the road.
~ Don't have any Stat's yet since her 2 year check up isn't till Wednesday.
~ Loves picking up trash, food particles I miss and sometimes her toy's and put them in the trash can.
~ "Bamboo" Is her new Favorite word. Cause we have a bunch of It at our new place.
~ LOVES Swimming. She would jump out of your arms in a heartbeat!
~ NO Is her answer to everything! Yes we've hit the Terrible 2's!
~ Is SO in Love with her daddy!