I gave Baylen some puffs to try the other day. He did pretty good. I was surprised, Cambria wouldn't eat them at this age. I broke them in half and he ate maybe 3 of the 10 I gave him but he's trying!
Yup, it's that time of year again! I took so many photo's that Im gonna have to do a 2 day post! Opp's. We had a great time. The weather was perfect and The Jackman family meet us there. Of course that means the girls had a blast, The Boy's ( excluding Mr. B )had their meat pies, and us adult girls enjoyed some nice conversation.
Baylen likes to crawl over to the window and play with the blinds. Sneaky boy! She sat next to him, held his hand and was saying " See, see! Hummingbirds, see!?" So cute!! Proof that at one time they got along!
Last night Cambria and I went to our first game of the season with My mom and Davids mom. Cambria did great and had a blast! She was very Interested in everything going on. She kept asking who the players were, told the player to stop running cause they'd get hurt, and Cheered every time some one would clap! We ran Into Bridget, Matt, and Christopher to. She got a little cold after her milk.
Yes we went again!But only for a few hours. Since my mom works there they had a premiere for cast members for the new Little Mermaid ride so we took Cambria for a few hours.