~ Hasn't been sleeping through the night lately but I blame it on his new teeth coming in.
~ He is super strong! I swear I'm gonna drop him! He will use all his strength to push away from you when he wants down. And the moment you put him down he flips so fast!
~ Has his 2 bottom teeth In.
~ Size 2 Diaper's.
~ 6 Months clothes.
~ His hair is growing out now and sometimes looks red in the sun..I don't get it!?
~ Can sit up a lot better now but still topples over after a while.
~ Eats 1-2 jars of food.
~ Is so close to crawling! He flips all over the place and will push off with toes to get around.
~ Says Dada all the time.
~ Still Spits up but not as bad.
I was in such a hurry to put this sticker on I never noticed it was up side down until I saw these pic's....Opps!
Happy 8 months Mr B, yep you are growing and changing so fast where ever have the last 8 months gone