Friday, June 3, 2011

9 Months

Poor Baylen. He had a bad 9 Month check up! I was so excited to see how much he weighed. I was hoping for 15lb's! But when they put him on the scale and it said 11.6 I felt like I got socked in the chest!! What happened? Who Loses almost 2 lb's!? My peid was nice at least and said she want's me to put an extra scoop of formula in his bottle and try and give him as much food as I can! He's not a big eater. I feed him 25-30 Oz's of Formula and at least a jar to 2 of baby food a day. I go back next Friday to see If he's gained. If not they have to do blood work on him and see If there's and underlying problem. He is a very good happy baby though! but for some good new's...
~ He's an army crawler! And a fast one to. Were thinking that could be a reason for some of the lose of weight.
~ Sleeps through the night.
~ Size 2 Diapers.
~ 3-6 month clothes.
~ Sit's up with out throwing him self back.
~ Did I mention crawls like a Maniac!
~ 3 teeth, 2 on bottom and 1 on top.
~ About to get the 4th tooth.
~ Says Dada, Baba, and sometimes Mama.
~ Is VERY Impatient!
~ He's strong and will wack you with his hands and pull away from you to get down.
~ Can sit up from being on his belly. But he's only done it a couple times so I think it was by mistake.
~ Clap is hands.
~ Love's his sister.
~ Loves to Laugh!

Like Night and Day.

I actually caught a "love" moment!

There's the bottom teeth!

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