Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Playing Catch Up

OK, I know I know I'm behind. I Love my blog and enjoy doing it but Honestly we haven;t done anything to blog about! I only go places on Tuesdays and Thursdays and that's to take Cambria to school other then that we stay home. Pretty boring, I know! So here's some Tuesdays Tidbit's on these 2!
She is still madly in love with school! She has learned so much good and bad. Bad, she's learned to talk back, says no A LOT! Hits, Pushes, says "Just a min" to everything. Although that I cant help but laugh about cause it's so funny to hear it. Good, She's way more daring now. Loves to Climb, when she's going down the slide she will hang from the top and swing! Sings songs all day from school. Her teachers say she Loves hugging everyone and knows everyone by name and asks where they are if she doesn't see them. Does Somersaults on the rug,and jumps off things. Has recently learned how to open her bedroom door. She will walk out on the landing and say Mommy, or hi mommy? And yes she has managed to come into our bedroom once when I was just getting out of bed and this morning when I was just getting out of the shower. Thanks Cambria!

He is such a Mama's boy! I can not leave his site with out him chasing me down crying! He's mostly only happy If I'm sitting on the floor and he can cuddle or crawl all over me. I don't mind most of the time, he's only a baby. Ive been trying to break him out of formula little by little. He was on half and half and then one day he grabbed Cambria's milk cup when we were out to eat and he downed it all! So from that point on we went NO bottle's and NO formula. He's actually been drinking about 2Oz's more milk this way Plus he's been eating like crazy! He Loves fruit. Strawberry's, Pears, Blueberry's, Oranges, Banana's, etc. He would eat them all day if you let him. Have I mentioned he's a walker now? He started walking more the weekend David left for his Tahoe trip. He still walks like a drunk and falls and still crawls alot but it's funny to watch him!

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