Believe It or not..27 Months. And yes were In the Terrible 2's! Although I will say It's not as bad as Ive seen on other 2 year olds.
~ Has to have her Little people with her everywhere,whither It's when she eats or when we go out somewhere. And It's always a Minimum of 2 of them.
~2T pants are HUGE on her.
~Seems to have grown in the shoe department, she's somewhere between a 5-6 now.
~Not to sure of her brother but she's warming up to him.
~Loves Giving High Five's to everyone!
~Getting better at using silverware.
~Sings the alphabet " ABCDABC".
~Can count to 13 but leaves out 12.
~Holds your hand when she's going to cross the street.
~Sings all day long.
~Not to big on taking naps lately.
~Loves to copy everything anyone says.
~Demands everyone to come play with her by pulling your hand over to where she's at.