Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day out..

I decided that since I went to the grocery store yesterday by my self with 2 kids I could go to babies r us too. So I called Jen and asked her If she wanted to meet. Later on we got lunch since it was in the same shopping center. Cambria Missed her friend Madison so she had a great time!

These 2 did more laughing then eating during our lunch.

Wes and Jen. He is such a ladies man, smiling the whole time!

There were a lot of random thunderstorms tonight, of course none in our area but it made the sky look pretty cool. Even gave us a rainbow.

Showing Cambria the Rainbow.


  1. Cute pictures, what we can be done when you put your mind to in, things would be different and probably easier with a double stroller but good girl for getting out. I had choir tonight and saw lightening streaks but no rain or anything else.
