~Size 1 Diapers now. ( just switched the other day )
~Sill in some Newborn clothes although the length is to short.
~Started smiling at 5 weeks.
~Makes cooing noise's and talks back to you.
~Had a little Giggle today.
~Cat naps during the day, mostly cause his sister keeps him awake.
~LOVES to sleep!
~Has slept through the night many times.
~Normally goes to bed by 8pm and wakes around 4:30am.
~Definitely a Morning person!
~Trying to get him on bottles but it's not going so well.
~Already had a little cold. He was just congested but it went away in about a week.
~When he sneezes it's always 2-3 times.
~Seems to be very attached to me, crys when ever anyone holds him..lol.
I think he is very much like David. He's got his eyes, ( which I love)Hands, Feet, Definitely his length! Even sneezes like him!
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