~ Has the best hearing! She can hear anything and ask what it is. Even mocking the noise she heard.
~ Her Favorite song right now Is Fireworks By Katy Perry.
~ Still no Luck with Potty Training. She will on every once in a while but still doesn't know the "feeling".
~ Naps maybe 3 times a week.
~ Getting better with her eating. She's been eating more age appropriate foods lately and been doing good with them. Her favorite's are chips, and cracker's. The chips freak me out a little.
~ Still likes to be rough with her brother, but I guess that will never change!
~ Hates having her Hair brushed.
~ Gets mad when I leave he room holding her brother or when Im going to put him down for a nap she has to go with me or she will cry and scream her head off till you come back.
~ Scared of a lot of stuff lately. Quick noise's, the doorbell ringing, doors closing, Elevator's.
~ Im the only one that could put her to bed at night.
Her hair kills me! I dont know where she got those curls from. The top is starting to Straighten though so I think once she gets her first hair cut those curls will be gone.
It's starting to grow too! It looks so cute when I put it in a pony tail, to bad she freaks out and wont let me!
Stealing my len's cap!
You see it? That Little freckle right there on her shoulder. That was her first one, I believe around 6 months she got it. Now she's got about 8 or so. If she's anything like the girls in my family she's in for a thousand+!!
32 months thought it was 33, oops nobody wants to be reminded we are older. Love that last profile picture and love the curls