Friday, May 30, 2014


Have you been sick of the Disney related pictures yet? Sorry, there's always more! David was off today so we went to Disneyland. It was pretty warm but not to crowded.
First stop, Carsland.
Luigi's Tires
The kid's new favorite. I got David to go on. Have I mentioned he's not a fan of many rides?
David took the kids on Little mermaid while I went and grabbed a beer.
Water ride was closed.
They walked out right where we where waiting.
That moment your 5 year old gets asked for an autograph from a random stranger..She was so confused and so happy at the same time! She kept saying " she thinks Im snow white, I just signed my name...Cambria!"
Cambria's favorite rides. Good thing I like it to.
We went to the back ranch area which is now our new favorite thing to do.
We ran into a few rabbits back there.
This crazy one kept dancing with her and she loved it!
So much that she wanted to dance with everyone!
And again...
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Thumper to.
Move over Lady and the Tramp I think he has a new favorite!
Brer Rabbit
The White rabbit.


  1. Well I never get tired of them so keep them coming

  2. I haven't been there for so long that I don't know where this area is with all the rabbits. Fun!!!
